Review Policy

If you’re an author or a publisher and would like us to read and review one of your books, we’d be delighted! However we’d like to remind you that we reserve the right to decline some offers due to real life stress, already having a lot of books to read or the offer not meeting with our criteria. Please don’t send us ARCs before checking with us whether or not we have capacities to review your book at the moment. We reserve the right to not review ARCs sent to us without contacting us first. You can contact us at or through our contact form.
At the moment ELLA accepts novels and novellas. She does not accept short stories, poetry or non-fiction. Ella accepts fantasy, historical fiction, young adult, mild horror, thrillers, mysteries and chick lit as well as LGBTIA fiction. She does not accept self-published novels and novellas as of now. Ella accepts eBooks in ePub and mobi format and printed copies.
LUDOVICA accepts novels, novellas and short story collections, as well as traditionally published non-fiction. Ludovica accepts both traditional and self-published fiction, and is looking especially for fantasy fiction, space operas, historical romance and lgbt+ romance, but in general all fiction genres except for horror and inspirational fiction are accepted. Ludovica accepts eBooks in ePub and mobi format as well as printed copies.

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